Effective Date: July 3, 2024

This Privacy Policy applies to the following apps developed by Anatoly Butko ("we", "us", or "our"):

  • iHeart Pro
  • iHeart Plus
  • iGoal Pro
  • iGoal Plus
  • BPMon Pro
  • BPMon Plus
  • BGluMon Pro
  • BGluMon Plus
  • BTMon Pro
  • BTMon Plus
  • BCMon Pro
  • BCMon Plus

(collectively referred to as the "Apps")

1. Introduction

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal health information. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle data in our Apps, which are designed to help you monitor various aspects of your health.

2. Information Collection and Use

2.1 User-Inputted Health Data

Our Apps are designed to help you monitor various aspects of your health. While we do not collect or have access to this information, our Apps do allow you to input and store health-related data such as:

  • Blood pressure readings
  • Blood cholesterol levels
  • Blood glucose levels
  • Body temperature measurements
  • Pulse/heart rate readings
  • Body weight and height
  • Other health metrics relevant to each specific App

This data is stored locally on your device and, if you choose to enable it, in your personal iCloud account. We do not have access to this data, and it is not transmitted to us or any third parties.

2.2 App Usage Data

Our Apps do not collect usage data or analytics about how you use the App.

2.3 Device Permissions

Some of our Apps may request access to your device's camera, microphone, or health database to provide certain functionalities. For example:

  • Camera access may be used for pulse measurement features
  • Microphone access may be used for voice note features, if available
  • Health database access is used for integration with Apple's HealthKit

You can grant or revoke these permissions at any time through your device settings. Denying these permissions may limit some App functionalities but will not prevent you from using the core features of the Apps.

2.4 Advertisements

Some of our Apps may include advertisements. If you interact with these ads, some non-personal information may be shared with the ad service provider (such as Google AdMob). This information is used to serve relevant ads and is not linked to your health data. You can use iOS permissions to opt out of ad tracking.

2.5 Use of Information

The health data you enter into our Apps is used solely within the App to provide you with health tracking and monitoring features. This includes generating charts, reports, and other visualizations of your health data. We do not have access to this data and do not use it for any purpose outside of the App's functionality.

3. Use of Information

The data you enter into our Apps is used solely to help you track and monitor your health. We do not have access to this data and do not use it for any purpose.

4. Data Sharing and Disclosure

We do not share your data with any third parties. The Apps provide features for you to generate reports or export your data, which you can then choose to share with others (such as your healthcare provider) at your discretion.

5. Data Storage and Security

5.1 Local Storage

All data is stored locally on your device using Core Data.

5.2 Cloud Storage

If you enable iCloud sync, your data will also be stored in your personal iCloud account. Please refer to Apple's Privacy Policy for information about how Apple handles data stored in iCloud.

5.3 Security Measures

To protect your data, our Apps implement the following security measures:

  • Option to set up a security lock code
  • Biometric authentication (such as Face ID or Touch ID)

6. User Rights and Control

You have full control over your data. You can access, modify, or delete your data at any time within the Apps. We do not have access to your data and cannot assist with data retrieval or modification.

7. Children's Privacy

Our Apps do not have any age restrictions and can be used by children under 13. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children.

8. HealthKit Integration

Some of our Apps integrate with Apple's HealthKit framework. This integration allows you to sync data between our Apps and the Apple Health app. We adhere to Apple's guidelines for HealthKit integration:

  • We only access HealthKit data with your explicit permission.
  • We do not use HealthKit data for advertising or data mining purposes.
  • We do not disclose any information gained through HealthKit to third parties.

Please refer to Apple's Privacy Policy for more information about how health data is handled within HealthKit.

9. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The latest version will always be available within our Apps under the 'Privacy Policy' menu item. The effective date at the top of this policy will be updated to reflect any changes.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: https://www.corundex.com/

11. Consent

By using our Apps, you consent to this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use our Apps.