New version 10.2 is released and available now in AppStore.

We're pleased to announce the release of version 10.2 for our suite of health monitoring applications. This update brings important compatibility improvements and addresses a key issue to enhance your experience. Let's explore what's new in this version:

Enhanced Device and OS Compatibility

- Added iOS 11 and iPhone X support.

With this update, our health monitoring apps are now fully compatible with iOS 11 and optimized for the iPhone X. This enhancement brings several benefits:

  • iOS 11 Compatibility: Ensures smooth operation with the latest features and security improvements in iOS 11.
  • iPhone X Optimization: Takes full advantage of the iPhone X's unique display, providing an enhanced visual experience and user interface adapted to the device's specific dimensions.
  • Future-Proofing: Prepares our apps for upcoming iOS updates and newer iPhone models, ensuring long-term usability and performance.

Whether you're using the latest iPhone X or have updated your existing device to iOS 11, you can now use our health monitoring apps with confidence, knowing they're fully optimized for your system.

Critical Bug Fix

- Fixed bug when the front reading values don't update with new values if you created them 'in future' date.

We've addressed an important issue that affected the display of readings on the front page of our apps. Previously, if a user entered a reading with a future date, the front page wouldn't update to reflect new entries. With this fix:

  • The front page will now correctly display the most recent readings, regardless of the date entered.
  • Users who track their health data in advance (e.g., planning future measurements or entering backdated information) will see accurate, up-to-date information on their dashboard.
  • This ensures a more reliable and consistent user experience, especially for those who rely on the front page for quick health status updates.

This fix is particularly important for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of your health data display, ensuring that you always see the most relevant and recent information when you open the app.

Importance of Updating

We strongly recommend all users update to version 10.2 to benefit from these improvements:

  • Ensure compatibility if you're using iOS 11 or an iPhone X
  • Benefit from the corrected data display on the front page
  • Experience overall improved stability and performance

This update is available for all our health monitoring applications, including BPMon, BGluMon, iHeart, BTMon, and BCMon.