We want to inform our users about a recent issue that has been identified and addressed in our health monitoring applications. This update concerns the display of Category and Medication information on the "Record" page.

Issue with empty Category/Medication is solved and will be available soon.

We understand that some users have noticed that their chosen Category and Medication entries are not appearing on the "Record" page as expected. We want to assure you that this is a display issue only and does not affect the integrity of your data.

(Category and medication are being saved correctly into database according your choose, they just aren't displayed on the "Record" page now)

It's important to note that despite this display issue, all your Category and Medication selections are being correctly saved in our database. Your data is safe and accurately recorded. The problem is limited to the visual representation on the "Record" page and does not impact the underlying data or any reports or analyses based on this information.

Our development team has successfully identified the root cause of this issue and has implemented a fix. We are currently in the final stages of testing to ensure the solution works as intended across all our applications.

What to expect in the upcoming update:

  • Correct display of Category and Medication information on the "Record" page
  • Consistent representation of your selections across all areas of the app
  • No action required from users – your existing data will display correctly once the update is installed

We anticipate that this fix will be included in our next app update, which will be submitted to the App Store very soon. We recommend keeping automatic updates enabled for our applications to ensure you receive this fix as soon as it becomes available.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this display issue may have caused. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to deliver the best possible experience with our health monitoring tools.

As always, we value your feedback and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Your input helps us continually improve our applications and provide the reliable, user-friendly health monitoring experience you expect and deserve.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products. We're committed to resolving this issue promptly and look forward to delivering an improved experience in the very near future.